1. Open Access
We have a firm conviction in the importance of universal Open Access for academic research. The journal enables readers to access, share, and use the full text of its articles and other published materials without any restrictions, as long as they do not violate any laws or engage in any commercial activities. The journal adopts a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License for all its publications, which grants the readers the right to reuse and remix the content with proper attribution. The author/s retain the sole ownership and control of their works and their intellectual property rights. The journal supports the creation and distribution of open knowledge that can benefit society and advance the field of critical gender studies.

2 Article processing charge (APC) and Copyright Policy

  • The CGSJ does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or submission fees.
  • Authors retain the exclusive rights and ownership of their articles. They have the freedom to distribute and reprint their articles on any platform or with any publisher in any medium, as long as they acknowledge the original source.
  • The published articles are instantly and permanently accessible to the public for free under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 License.

3. Publication Policies

3.1: Aims and scope
Authors are requested to read the Aims and Objectives carefully before submitting their manuscripts.

3.2 Terms and Conditions

Authors are requested to read the following Terms and Conditions thoroughly.

3.1.1: Scope:
Critical Gender Studies Journal is a convergence of various disciplines that offer different theoretical and methodological approaches to analyze gender as a key element of social and symbolic order, as well as a site of resistance and transformation. It aims to publish interdisciplinary and/or anti-disciplinary scholarly research that reflects current scholarship and approaches to Critical Gender Studies. We will consider original research across the following disciplines: Arts & Literature, Linguistics, Human geography, History, Political science, Archaeology, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Cinema & media studies, Musicology, Human Development, Law, Public health, and Medicine.

3.2: Types of content we publish
We will consider articles that:

  • Analyze the theoretical and methodological approaches to gender studies from various disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, history, literature, media, and art.
    Investigate the impact of gender on various aspects of social life, such as education, health, work, family, politics, religion, and culture.
  • Critique the existing structures and systems that produce and reproduce gender inequalities and oppressions, such as patriarchy, heteronormativity, racism, colonialism, and capitalism.
  • Explore the diverse and dynamic experiences and expressions of gender and sexuality across different regions, cultures, and communities, such as LGBTQIA+, indigenous, migrant, and diasporic groups.
  • Propose new ways of thinking and acting that challenge and transform the dominant norms and practices of gender and sexuality, such as feminism, queer theory, trans studies, and activism.

At this stage, we will publish research papers and book reviews.

4. Editorial Policies
4.1 The journal follows a Double-Blind Peer Review system. The editors first check the quality and relevance of the submitted articles. If an article does not meet the primary criteria, it will be declined and the author will be notified quickly. If an article passes the initial screening, it will be assigned to the reviewer/s for further evaluation. This process also applies to the articles submitted by the Editorial board members.

4.1.2: Review period
The journal does not offer any option for expedited or accelerated review and does not support such requests. The editors and reviewers will carefully evaluate each submitted article and provide constructive feedback to the author within 1 month. Authors are requested to refrain from contacting the journal regarding the status of their submission before the end of this period. If the journal fails to decide on the article within 1 month of submission, authors have the right to withdraw their article and submit it to another journal.

4.2 Declarations by Author/s:

Author/s will have to sign “Declaration by Authors” and send us scanned copies of the same after acceptance of the article concerning:

  • Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
  • Authenticity of the research work
  • Claim of authorship
  • Plagiarism
  • Conflicts of Interests.

5. Publication Policy
5.1 Publication Ethics
We take publication ethics very seriously and strive to uphold them in every aspect of our work. We follow the best practices and standards established by various academic associations to ensure the quality and integrity of our publications and our editorial process. We urge and welcome all the stakeholders involved with the journal, such as authors, reviewers, editors, and readers, to adhere to the ethical principles stated on our website.

5.2 Authorship
All published materials, such as articles, book reviews, poems, or art pieces, should acknowledge the authors properly. As we use the online medium, the corresponding author has the main duty to uphold the publication ethics by following the rules below:

5.2.1 Appropriate attribution and acknowledgement
The corresponding author is responsible for:

  • Submitting an original research work,
  • Informing all the co-authors about the submission,
  • Obtaining consent from all the co-authors for publication,
  • Recognizing the authors’ contribution properly,
  • Acknowledging the assistance or support of other people or parties, if any,
  • Signing and sending the Conflicts of Interest document on time.

5.2.2 Changes in Authorship
Authors may ask the Chief Editor to modify the authorship of their manuscript. The journal’s Editorial Board has the authority to approve or reject the request. Changes will only be allowed if there is a good justification and consensus among the authors. The journal may announce any change that occurs after publication.

5.2.3 Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authorship
We condemn the dishonest practice of adding ‘Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authors (or anyone who did not contribute significantly to an article) and act accordingly to prevent such practices.

5.3 Publication Process
We require that everyone involved in the publication process of the journal, such as editors, reviewers, and website managers, adhere to the global standards of ethics and quality. We promise to improve the quality and impact of our publications. We also expect the authors to show the same level of dedication and responsibility to follow the international ethical guidelines established by various academic associations.

5.3.1 Submission
Authors should adhere to our guidelines when submitting to our journal. We may take action against any of the following practices:

Simultaneous Submission to Other Publication Agency:
We assume that the manuscripts we receive are not under consideration or will not be submitted to other journals during the review process. We will penalize the authors who make simultaneous submissions while their manuscripts are being reviewed.

Plagiarism is a serious offense in the academic world. Authors who submit to us should be aware of the plagiarism issues. They should not copy anything without proper citation or legal permission in any way that may infringe the rights of others. They should acknowledge the works of others and obtain permission to use any material from the relevant parties. The journal will not be involved or liable for any copyright infringement.

Defamation or Promotion
We do not want authors to include anything that may be defamatory or promotional.

Gender, Racial and Language Bias
We do not tolerate any gender, racial, or language bias in the manuscripts we publish. Authors should respect the diversity and dignity of all people and avoid any discriminatory or offensive language.

5.3.2 Steps against Misconduct

We may apply any or all of these measures against unethical practices:

  • The published content is retracted with an announcement.
  • Modified content is published with an explanation for the change.
  • The author is banned from submitting again. Notification with the proof of misconduct is sent to the author’s institution, supervisor, and/or any relevant authority.

5.4 Conflict of Interest
We value transparency in publication and urge all the stakeholders involved in the publication process – authors, editors, reviewers, and others – to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. We regularly update our publication policies and guidelines to address these issues.

5.4.1 Authors
Authors who publish in our journal should be aware of any possible conflicts of interest that may arise from financial, promotional, or honorary sources. The corresponding author is in charge of sending us the Conflict of Interest document that has been agreed upon and signed by all the authors.

5.4.2 Editors and Reviewers
Editors and reviewers of our journal should avoid any situations that may compromise their impartiality or objectivity while performing their roles. They should follow the guidelines that we send them via email communication. The Chief Editor handles any cases of internal conflict of interest with confidentiality and discretion.

The publisher respects the professional independence of the editorial board members and does not interfere with their scholarly activities. The board has full autonomy in carrying out its duties.

6. Submission Process
Before submitting your work, please read the “Terms and Conditions”.

6.1 Formatting File Types:

We only accept MS Word files. Please do not send images or graphics separately. You should embed them in the text document.

Reference Style: Please use the APA style (https://apastyle.apa.org) for your references.

Visual Images: We welcome you to include visual images such as diagrams, maps, and pictures in your writing to enhance the reader’s experience. You should label all the images as ‘Figures’ and provide hyperlinks if possible. You are responsible for obtaining permission from the source to reproduce any visual images. We are not liable for any copyright infringement.

Language: The journal is published in English and we accept both UK and US spellings. Please avoid using any racist or sexist language.

6.2 Submission of the Files
You need to submit and upload two doc files:
Cover letter (Download the Template) and Blinded manuscript. (Download the Template). Submit them as attachments to the Editor at editor@cgsjournal.com with a CC to contact@cgsjournal.com

Best Practices for Authors:

  • Register with www.orcid.org and send us your ORCID ID.
  • Use your institutional email ID if you have one.
  • Provide a link to your profile on your institutional website if available.
  • In the Reference section, use DOI instead of long URLs.
  • Remove the blue colour and underline the links.
  • Declare any funding sources.

6.3 Word Limits

Research articles: The word limit is 5000-7000 words, including the Reference section. We may consider longer articles if they are of high quality.

6.4 Final Submission after Acceptance
After your work is accepted, you need to download the Final Submission Template and format your work accordingly. You also need to sign the “Declaration by Authors” and create a PDF. Finally, submit them as attachments to the Editor at editor@cgsjournal.com with a CC to contact@cgsjournal.com

7. Post-acceptance Process
You need to complete the journal contributor’s publishing agreement after your work is accepted.