1. Open Access Policy
We firmly believe in the importance of universal Open Access for academic research. Our commitment is to enable readers to freely access, share, and use the full text of our articles and other published materials without any restrictions, provided they comply with the law and do not engage in commercial activities.
All our publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This license permits readers to reuse and remix the content as long as they provide proper attribution to the original authors.
Our journal supports creating and disseminating open knowledge, contributing to societal benefit, and advancing critical gender studies.

2. Copyright Policy
Authors retain full ownership and control of their works and intellectual property rights. This means that authors have the authority over their work’s use, distribution, and reproduction. By retaining these rights, authors can ensure their research and contributions are recognized and utilized by their intentions.

3. Editorial Policies
Editorial decisions are based on scholarly merit and are not affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. We ensure no policies create an exclusionary environment for anyone wanting to engage with the journal and regularly assess our policies for inclusivity.

4. Peer Review Policy
Double-Blind Peer Review System: The journal employs a Double-Blind Peer Review system. Initially, editors assess the quality and relevance of submitted articles. Articles that do not meet the primary criteria will be promptly declined, and the authors will be notified. If an article passes the initial screening, it will be assigned to reviewers for further evaluation. This process also applies to articles submitted by Editorial Board members.
Review Period: The journal does not offer expedited or accelerated review options and does not accommodate such requests. Editors and reviewers will meticulously evaluate each submitted article and provide constructive feedback to the author within one month. Authors are requested not to contact the journal regarding the status of their submission before this period ends. If the journal does not make a decision on the article within one month of submission, authors have the right to withdraw their article and submit it to another journal.

5. APC Policy
The CGSJ does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or submission fees.

6. Payment Policy
The CGSJ operates under a non-payment policy. We do not provide any monetary compensation, royalties, or financial remuneration to authors or artists for their submissions and published works.

7. Sharing and Licensing Policy
We are committed to promoting open access to research and knowledge. Our sharing and licensing policy is designed to ensure that the content we publish is freely available and easily accessible for academic and non-commercial use.
Creative Commons License: All published content in the CGSJ is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This license allows anyone to share, copy, distribute, and transmit the work, as well as adapt and build upon it, provided that it is for non-commercial purposes and proper attribution is given to the original authors and the journal.
Non-Commercial Use: The content can be used for non-commercial purposes, meaning it cannot be sold or used for commercial gain. However, it can be freely shared and utilized for educational, research, and personal purposes.
Attribution: When sharing or using the content, proper attribution must be given to the original authors and the journal. This means acknowledging the original source of the work and providing appropriate citations.

8. Self-Archiving Policy
CGSJ supports authors who wish to deposit their work in institutional or other repositories, following the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, for academic and non-commercial purposes. Here is the journal’s policy regarding different versions of the paper:
Submitted Version: Authors are allowed to deposit the submitted version of their manuscript in repositories of their choice.
Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript): Authors can deposit the accepted version of their manuscript, provided they acknowledge the journal as the original source.
Published Version (Version of Record): Authors are permitted to deposit the published version of their manuscript, but they must ensure proper citation and acknowledgment of the journal.

9. Long-Term Preservation Policy
We prioritize the long-term accessibility and preservation of our published content. Our journal is currently archived in the Internet Archive. This provides redundancy and safeguards the journal’s content against digital loss, ensuring that it remains available to researchers and scholars worldwide. You can access our archived content via the following link: CGS Journal Archive.