Invitation of Special Issue Proposals

Critical Gender Studies Journal (CGSJ) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for our upcoming special issues. We invite experts to submit their innovative and transformative ideas that align with our journal’s focus on critical gender studies.
Languages of Publication: English and Spanish

Proposal Guidelines
Your proposal should include the following:
1. Title of the Special Issue: A concise and descriptive title that encapsulates the theme of the issue.
2. Guest Editor(s): Name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information of the guest editor(s).
3. Aims and Scope: A detailed description of the special issue’s objectives, its relevance to gender studies, and the types of articles it seeks.
4. List of Potential Contributors: If available, a list of scholars who might be interested in contributing to the special issue.
5. Tentative Timeline: An estimated timeline for the submission, review, and publication process.

Submission Process
Please submit your proposal via Google Form at
Alternatively, the proposal can be sent to the Editor at
For any queries, please feel free to contact the Editor, Mala Shikha Shukla at